Thursday, August 11, 2011


Dearest Friends,

Looking back from this distance, I can see the beginnings of a pattern that was to stick with me for the rest of my married life -- the habit of "divorcing" myself from a place and everything in it.  When I first arrive somewhere new, I always put on my rose-colored glasses.  I am determined to see only what is good about it, in order to convince myself that we will be happy there. 

Bahrain, when we first arrived.
As soon as I start getting vibes that we are to move again, however, the glasses come off, and I begin to focus on what I don't like about it.  I guess it makes it easier for me to say goodbye.

Bahrain, 18 months later.
In early April I noted in my diary that John had sent me a telex saying I was to go in and talk to a guy about our house on the company compound, but then I never mention anything else about it.  I'm thinking that perhaps, when I told Paula and Nellie the good news, they must have hinted that, if I was moving out to the compound just to be near them, I might want to reconsider.  Between that news, our cancelled home-leave, and John's dissatisfaction with being stuck offshore, well, suddenly I'm wondering how I ever could have liked such a desolate place!

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