Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Dearest Friends,

You know how my hubby swore he'd never set foot on a stage again? Well, that lasted maybe two or three weeks, until someone managed to convince him to participate in one of the skits for our annual Hash Dinner. If you recall, the Hash is that trek through the jungle, following a fickle paper trail, that most everyone in the community participated in each Sunday afternoon. The goal was to somehow find your way to the "grog" truck (loaded down with icy sodas and beer) so that you could catch a ride home on the bus, and not be left in the jungle. Once a year the Hash group held a nice dinner at the restaurant, where they passed out some funny awards, and entertained us with the aforementioned skits.

My hubby's the hottie on the right -- the one wearing dark socks with his plaid bermuda shorts!

I asked him if he remembered what his skit was about. He said no, just that it was a good opportunity to wear his favorite t-shirt -- the one I would not normally let him leave the house in (Captain Condom says "Wrap That Rascal!")

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