Monday, March 26, 2012


We just happened to arrive in Lake Toba on market day, which I thought was extremely fortunate. I'm not sure my sister agreed with me. I think the sights and smells were a bit much for her (that durian will get you every time). Even I, an hold pro by that time, was a bit disturbed by the stall where they were tossing live chickens into something akin to the spin cycle of an old washing machine, in order to kill and de-feather them in one fell swoop. Somewhat ingenious though, no? 
(click photos to enlarge)

The market area, seen from a distance.
Traditional Batak houses, with their peaked roofs.
Our hotel.

Hiking up to the ruins.
Hearing about the "good ol' days", when they still boiled intruders like us for dinner!

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