Tuesday, March 6, 2012


25th January, 1993

Dear Folks,

What's new in the U.S.of A.? Hope everyone survived the holidays o.k. I'm trying to make the most of this short lull we are having, after Carolyn's visit and Lexie's birthday, and before Kathy's visit. I think Alexis loved her party this year. She chose a 50's theme, since we already had those poodle skirts I had made, and I had found some cute decorations at Party Warehouse last summer. We fixed the patio room up like a soda fountain and served floats and cherry cokes and such, played old 50's music, and had hoola hoop and bubble gum blowing contests. The guy who painted my Christmas decorations for the yard did a pink convertible to go out front and they all had their pictures taken in it. Oh yeah, and two of the older girls came dressed as car hops on roller skates to serve everyone. It was great, if I do say so myself!

What can I say? When they outlawed candy cigarettes in the States, they must've shipped them all to Indonesia. You will be happy to know, however, that neither of my kids has ever smoked, so I guess it didn't do too much harm.

I'm almost afraid to commit this to paper, 'cause sure as I do it will all change, but here's our tentative schedule for this summer. Leave here on May 21st to go with John to a week long school in Cincinnati, and to visit with Mike and Prisi. On the 29th or 30th John will fly to Odessa, and the kids and I will come to Dallas. If Carolyn is able to work something out with Stephanie and Darcy to watch the kids the following weekend, perhaps John can meet us all down in New Orleans to celebrate Mom and Dad's 50th. We could fly back to Dallas on Sunday, collect the kids and the car, and drive out to Odessa for about 3 weeks. Then sometime around June 25th we would drive back to Dallas so John could have a few days there, before he has to head back to Indonesia on the 30th. The kids and I would probably stay another 4-6 weeks in Dallas, then head home.

I can't believe it! I didn't even get this letter printed before the plans above got changed! I just talked to Kathy and she said she and Bud will be in Virginia that weekend, so I guess we could fly straight to Odessa from Cincinnati, and do New Orleans at the end of John's month, or we can wait and do it after he leaves. What about everyone else? What are your schedules like? As soon as we get Kathy's visit here mapped out (we changed our mind about Bali when we found out that plane fare alone was over $500 a person -- just to go somewhere right here in Indonesia!), we will start making definite plans for the summer. Mom, Poo, and Theda, if you get anything in the mail about scouts, camps, or summer activities, let me know. Alexis does want to go back to Girl Scout Camp, and we'd like to find something for Austin as well. I may take him down to College Station to do a baseball camp or something at A&M with Chase, if I can work it out.

Guess that's about all for now. John's been feeling kinda antsy because he hasn't been to Singapore since we came back from the States, so he and Austin are going this weekend for a "men's getaway!" That should be a hoot. Lexie and I have a Girl Scout thing Saturday (cleaning up the beach, and cooking lunch on camp stoves that we made out of tin cans), but we are sending a loooong grocery list with the boys.

Putting together one of many Gundam (Japanese anime robot) models hauled back from Singapore.  John even let Austin help out, now and then.
Well, everyone take care, and write soon!

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